Shoe Box Theatre Collective Commitment to Anti-Racism
Black Lives Matter.
The members of Shoe Box Theatre Collective stand with Black people, Indigenous people, and People of Color perpetually living under the reign of The United States’ vivid living history of systemic racism. We believe it is necessary to abolish the police, the prison industrial complex, and the continuing dominance of slavery which shapes our racist injustice system and opportunity structures. We call for an end to this nation's deep-seated white supremacy. We demand the implementation of anti-racist policy and action in American government, politics, economics, and media. We call also for reparations to be made to Black folx living in The United States.
Shoe Box Theatre Collective is committed to furthering anti-racism in our work by:
Actively seeking Black Artists, Indigenous Artists, and POC Artists for every level of the production team, including and especially, as core collective members.
Being transparent about the make-up of our admin and production teams.
Producing works by Black Artists, Indigenous Artists, and POC Artists.
Actively seeking Black, Indigenous, and POC audiences.
Continually working to understand, confront, and combat our implicit racist tendencies as individuals and as an institution.
Striving for specificity of language and clarity of purpose regarding our advocacy for and solidarity with Black Artists, Indigenous Artists, and POC Artists.
Holding ourselves and our peers accountable to these commitments as best we can.
In Solidarity,
-Shoe Box Theatre Collective